Can a surrogate be active duty military in Florida?

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Women who choose to become a surrogate come from all walks of life. They may be a stay at home mom, nurse, businesswomen, etc., but some women interested in becoming a surrogate in Florida may be active duty in the military. When being matched with a surrogate, you may wonder if it ok to proceed…

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Florida New Abortion Law

Effective July 1, 2022, pursuant to House Bill 5 titled, the “Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality Act”, Florida will ban most abortions after 15 gestational weeks. The law previously permitted abortions to occur until 24 gestational weeks. The Florida abortion law does not make any exceptions for cases of incest, rape, or human trafficking. The…

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Embryo Disposition and Divorce in Florida

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Across the nation there is various case law addressing disputes over embryos in the event of the parties divorce. Some states strictly follow the terms of the parties agreements as to the disposition of the frozen genetic material. Many states have found that embryos should remain frozen until the parties reach a mutual consent as…

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Lawyers should not give medical advice. Doctors should not give legal advice. But it can be helpful when each respective professional gives a “heads up” on the relevant legal/medical issues so that the patient/client can seek out professional guidance from a lawyer or doctor, as applicable. For examples, lawyers for many reasons, never should give…

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Mosaic Embryos and Florida Surrogacy

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As a Florida surrogacy attorney, I am not going to get into the medical jargon of what a mosaic embryo is, however, as a simplified explanation, a mosaic embryo is one that is genetically tested and the testing shows an abnormal result for the embryo, referred to as “aneuploid”, however such abnormality does not necessarily…

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COVID-19 Vaccination for Pregnant People to Prevent Serious Illness, Deaths, and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes from COVID-19

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As we all know, COVID has had global impacts which have not spared the surrogacy industry. The decision on whether one should receive a COVID vaccine is personal and everyone has different options on their comfort level with receiving the COVID 19 vaccine. Surrogacy agreements address numerous issues surrounding COVID and the impacts on the…

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What are complications/challenges uniquely facing LGBTQ(+) individuals/partners seeking to contract with or act as a surrogate?

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I was recently asked the following question by a law student and I wanted to share my general response since it was such a great question! The question presented was, “what are complications/challenges uniquely facing LGBTQ(+) individuals/partners seeking to contract with or act as a surrogate?” In Florida, same sex couples or individuals are able…

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Can a friend or family member be a surrogate?

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My mother was an invaluable resource when I experienced seemingly endless years of infertility and ultimate surrogacy journey. She helped with research, made phone calls, sat with me in doctors’ waiting rooms, and scheduled medical appointments. I knew she would do whatever it took to help me build my family. At one point, my then…

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Overview of Embryo Donation with Deb Roberts from Embryo Connections and Florida Reproductive Attorney, Marla Neufeld, Esq.

Embryo donation is an increasingly popular option for those wanting to build a family. With the improved technology of embryo freezing, embryo donation creates incredible opportunities for those finished with their embryos to donate them to someone else in need. This webinar addresses the legal issues in Florida that arise in embryo donation and the…

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