Overview of Florida Surrogacy Law
Welcome to the Sunshine State. Florida has beaches, the Everglades, 75-degree winters, and… legalized surrogacy. Before diving into a surrogacy journey, it is important to get your feet wet and understand the legal processes involved in your applicable state. Below are the guidelines for the state of Florida. Each state has different laws, or no laws at all that govern surrogacy; in some states it is considered a crime to compensate a surrogate. Florida is a surrogacy friendly state. In Florida, anyone who wants to pursue surrogacy, whether you are married, single, same sex couple, or a person or couple using donor egg, donor sperm, or donated embryos can legally pursue surrogacy and have a clear path to parenthood.
Keep in mind that this guide on Florida surrogacy law pertains to “gestational surrogacy” where the surrogate does not have a genetic connection to the intended parent(s)’ child. When contrasting “gestational surrogacy” to “traditional surrogacy” where a traditional surrogate is genetically related to the child, there is a different legal process altogether within Florida’s adoption laws.
Once you are matched with a Florida surrogate, either through a surrogacy agency or via a self-match and after your chosen surrogate receives full medical approval by the IVF clinic and psychological approval by the mental health professional, it is officially time to start the legal agreement between the intended parent(s) and surrogate (and her spouse/partner, if applicable). In Florida, the surrogacy legal process is divided into two (2) main stages:
- the Florida Gestational Surrogacy Agreement entered into and is between the intended parent(s) and the surrogate and her spouse (if applicable); then
- the Florida Parentage Proceedings occurs to place the intended parent(s) on the birth certificate, to the exclusion of the surrogate.
We will dive into the 2 main legal stages below. Grab your sun gear, your notepad, and your Florida reproductive attorney and let’s jump into the Florida surrogacy legal process.
The Florida Gestational Surrogacy Agreement:
The Florida gestational surrogacy agreement is generally drafted once the surrogate has full medical approval from the intended parent(s)’ in vitro fertilization (IVF) physician and full psychological approval from the mental health professional. Both screenings are paid for by the intended parent(s). The intended parents(s) will be represented by their own reproductive attorney. It is best practice for the intended parent(s) to pay for a separate reproductive attorney to represent the surrogate to review the gestational surrogacy agreement with the surrogate and if applicable, the surrogate’s spouse/partner. Florida law requires a binding and enforceable gestational surrogate agreement to be in place prior to engaging in gestational surrogate and all parties involved must be 18 years of age or older.
While the intended parent(s) do not need to be based in Florida to utilize Florida’s surrogacy laws (intended parent(s) are many times located around the United States or around the world), the surrogate living and delivering in Florida will allow the use of Florida’s surrogacy laws.
Florida surrogacy law permits the intended parent(s) to pay the surrogate for her reasonable living, legal, medical, psychological, and psychiatric expenses that are directly related to prenatal, intrapartal, and postpartal periods of the pregnancy. Florida surrogacy laws are clear that after birth the intended parent(s) must assume rights to the baby and conversely, that the surrogate terminates any parental rights to the baby. The surrogate cannot change her mind and keep the baby in Florida unless the baby is her genetic child(ren) (i.e., she had intercourse and conceived at a time she was prohibited from doing so which would also result in a breach of the gestational surrogacy agreement).
In addition to the financial points that are included in the Florida surrogacy agreement and are typically establish during the matching process, a Florida gestational surrogacy agreement addresses many different topics such as confidentiality, future contact, assumption of risks, how many embryos will be transferred at each embryo transfer attempt, how many embryo transfers can occur, as well as all parties understanding on whether an abortion or selective reduction will occur if requested by the intended parent(s) or needed for the life or safety of the surrogate. Florida surrogacy law requires certain representations in the surrogacy agreement such as the intended parent(s) agreeing that the gestational surrogate shall be the sole source of consent with respect to clinical intervention and management of the pregnancy and that the gestational surrogate agrees to submit to reasonable medical evaluation and treatment and to adhere to reasonable medical instructions about her prenatal health.
It is important for intended parent(s) to consult with an experienced reproductive attorney licensed in Florida prior to starting the surrogacy process. One of the first determinations is whether the parties have the appropriate connections to Florida to utilize Florida surrogacy laws. Florida has a unique provision in Florida’s surrogacy laws that requires a medical necessity to pursue surrogacy in Florida. This is determined, within reasonable medical certainty, by a licensed physician who makes a medical determination that the intended mother cannot gestate to term, or if a pregnancy would be a risk to the physical health of the intended mother or a risk to the health of the fetus. Another important consideration is the applicable Florida surrogacy laws differ depending on the facts of the case. One set of Florida laws governs surrogacy for married couples using the genetics of at least one member of the intended parent(s) (this is governed under Florida Statutes 742.15) and another set of Florida laws governs surrogacy arrangements for single intended parents, unmarried intended parents, or intended parent(s) using donated embryos (this is governed under Florida Statues 63.213). Regardless of the Florida laws utilized, surrogacy is possible for everyone in Florida.
Once the gestational surrogacy agreement is fully executed by the intended parent(s) and surrogate and her spouse/partner (if applicable), the intended parent(s)’ attorney will issue a legal clearance letter to the IVF clinic to allow the embryo transfer cycle to proceed.
The Florida Parentage Stage of Surrogacy:
In Florida, the intended parent(s) will be placed on the Florida birth certificate following a statutorily based court proceeding that occurs immediately after the birth of the child(ren). Once the child(ren) is born in Florida via surrogacy, Florida surrogacy law requires that within 3 days of the birth, the intended parent(s) petition the selected Florida court for a post-birth court order directing the Florida Department of Vial Statistics to issue a birth certificate naming the intended parent(s) as the sole legal parent(s) of the child(ren). Once the final court order is entered following the birth of the child(ren), the Florida birth certificate in the name(s) of the intended parent(s) is issued shortly thereafter to the intended parent(s). The birth certificate will allow the intended parent(s) to obtain a Social Security number and United States Passport for the child(ren). The court proceedings in Florida are treated with the highest level of confidentiality to protect the privacy of all parties involved. All hearings in Florida are held in closed court and the pleadings and information filed with the court are sealed. The intended parent(s) and surrogate and her spouse/partner (if applicable) likely will not be required to attend the hearings relating to the parental right actions referenced above however this would be a determination to be made by the intended parent(s)’ reproductive attorney and the applicable jurisdiction involved in the matter.
While the court proceedings required to place the intended parent(s) on the Florida birth certificate are obtained after the child(ren) is/are born, it may be beneficial to discuss with your Florida reproductive attorney the option of additionally obtaining a Florida pre-birth order around the second trimester of pregnancy to provide to the hospital in advance of the delivery to ensure a smooth delivery process. The post-birth court order is what allows a Florida birth certificate to be issued removing any reference to the gestational surrogate from any birth record and naming the intended parent(s) as the sole legal parent(s) of the child(ren). The surrogate’s name will not be placed on the Florida birth certificate.
Elton John is notorious for building his family via surrogacy. He once sang about Florida with his lyrics, “I hear it’s hot in Florida. And it’s raining here tonight. But the sun’s gonna shine tomorrow. And I’m gonna do alright.” Elton, you are right about Florida and that also goes for the Florida surrogacy process, the sun is going to shine on your Florida surrogacy journey and in following best surrogacy practices, your “gonna do alright!”
Greenspoon Marder’s surrogacy practice group is honored to assist intended parent(s) or surrogates with surrogacy matters based in Florida. Greenspoon Marder can also assist with Florida based estate planning needs, which estate planning services are a best practice for Florida surrogacy matters. Greenspoon Marder’s has offices located throughout Florida (https://www.gmlaw.com/offices/) with offices located in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, Cypress Creek, and West Palm Beach.
Is Surrogacy Legal?
Yes, pursuant to Florida Statutes 742.15 (married intended parents using at least one member’s genetic material) or Florida Statutes 63.213 (single intended parents, unmarried intended parents, or intended parents using donated embryos).
Any legal requirement of surrogate?
- at least 18 years of age
Any legal requirement of intended parent(s)?
- at least 18 years of age
Single intended parent permitted? Yes.
Unmarried intended parents permitted? Yes.
LGBTQIA+ intended parents permitted? Yes.
International intended parents permitted? Yes.
Medical necessity? Yes
Donor egg permitted? Yes
Donor sperm permitted? Yes
Donated Embryo permitted? Yes
Estate Planning Required? Not by law but best practice
Escrow Required? Not by law but best practice
Pre- or post birth parentage proceeding? Post-birth parentage court proceeding (pre-birth order also recommended)

Who Do We Help?
Marla Neufeld, Esq., reproductive law and surrogacy attorney in Florida at the law firm of Greenspoon Marder LLP, personally experienced years of infertility and ultimately used a gestational surrogate to build her family. Marla is honored to represent married and unmarried couples (heterosexual and same sex) and individuals seeking to utilize various third party assisted reproductive technologies focusing her legal practice on surrogacy, egg/sperm/embryo donation, and adoptions.
Schedule a Consultation
Greenspoon Marder’s Surrogacy and Reproductive Technology Practice Group, lead by Marla Neufeld, Esq., assists our clients with all legal aspects of third-party reproduction and can assist with legal matters in Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois.
200 E. Broward Blvd #1800-A
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 761-2929